Accommodation in Albarracín

Shops in Albarracín

Gastronomy in Albarracín

Location and Transport

Location and transport options for reaching Albarracín

40º 24′ 23.44″ N   /   1º 26′ 39.90″ O

By car & motorbike

The best way to reach Albarracín and enjoy all the charm of its environment

Route from Madrid

Albarracín is located approximately three hours from the Spanish capital, around 300 km away, and with several alternative routes to get there, although the most recommendable is the N-221.

Route from Barcelona

Albarracín is a five-hour drive from Barcelona, and although there are several interior routes, the most direct is on the AP7 coastal motorway (now free from Tarragona).

Route from Valencia

You can enjoy all the charm of Albarracín in just two hours by car from Valencia, a pleasant journey on the A23 (just under 180 km).

Route from Bilbao

There are several options, but the most recommendable and quickest is via Logroño and Zaragoza.

By Bus

Connection from Teruel Bus Station

  • Runs from Monday to Saturday
  • No service Sundays and Public Holidays
  • Departs Albarracín at 14:10.
  • Departs Teruel at 08:50.
  • Ticket price €3.90
    (paid on-board the bus)

By Taxi

Taxi service in Albarracín

24 hour service with up to 8 seats.